Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Another mid-week post

I've been thinking about this blog today, mostly because of Sarah's musings on how permanent the internet is. How, for example, my post on how I'm going to die because kittens are so cute is going to be around when I'm actually dead, cached somewhere in interland. BUT - even knowing that people do stumble across this and read it, and knowing that every utterance here will outlast me, I doubt I'm going to change. I'm still going to write about buying shoes and kittens and Jack Bauer.

And speaking of his Jackness, House name-drops him in next week's episode. My brain almost exploded when I saw the preview.

Also, I want to go check out the Knit Cafe very badly, but probably won't because summer is almost here, and who wants to think about heavy wool when the sun is shining and shoulders are bared? Why did I not find out about this till the end of April?


megan said...

so... to sum up: you're going to be off'd either by kittens or by jack-bauer-inspired-brain explosion... either way I hope it doesn't happen for a loooooooooooooong time.

Anonymous said...

This way you get a long time to make the knitted stuff for next winter. NEW WARDROBE!

Jen said...

Megs: If I die from either of those things, it will be a good death.

Deborah: But then I have to carry wool around in the summer, and giant sweaters I'm knitting as well. I HATE carrying shit around in the summer. But maybe I will crochet a bikini :)