Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Anonymous M.E.K.

Ok, I know I haven't posted much this week. Theres nothing much to talk about other than the sunshine.

BUT. I will give you this until tomorrow, when I rave (hopefully) about all-you-can-eat sushi.

saskatchemark says:
after being suspicious about how easily the camp gave me an interview i sent them an email asking about how much they pay

saskatchemark says:
i tried to make it anonymous

saskatchemark says:
but she totally figured out it was me

saskatchemark says:
so im in a very wierd position with the daycamp

Jen says:
you could just let them know you were asking because of how many camps string you along and let you know way later that it's for like $4/hour

saskatchemark says:
i kind of wrote that in the email

Jen says:
I'm sure they'd understand - I mean, it's not like you're 14 - you're an adult and need a somewhat decent job because you have bills to pay

saskatchemark says:
she wrote back in a really wierd passive agressive email

saskatchemark says:
"know we already spoke this morning and set up an interview, but I just
wanted to tell you that if you have any more questions before then, feel
free to email or call. Otherwise, see you on Tuesday."

saskatchemark says:
but she never answers my question about the pay

Jen says:
did you send it through hotmail? because you do know that your name is attached to that, right?

saskatchemark says: (3:32:41 PM)

Jen says: (3:32:47 PM)

Jen says: (3:33:00 PM)
so did you?

saskatchemark says: (3:33:08 PM)

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