Sunday, July 09, 2006

This is getting to be a problem...

My weekends are seriously becoming an issue, because they're just too much fun. I really need to get more than a minimal amount of studying done, but right now, that's all I've been able to accomplish. Aside from the events included in my last post, a gazillion other great things have happened in the past 48 hours. Yesterday was 'Love Day,' a term coined by Kurt to describe the bi-annually occuring event where Mark and I plan extra-special date days (as opposed to normal date days). Mark had planned a full day full of stuff for us to do, and all of it was top-secret, so I've spent the last week or so in anticipation and sneaky/wily mode to try and find out what was the deal. We left the apartment around 1 pm, me in my new dress (SHARON: apparently Paris Hilton bought the same thing), and headed off to parts unknown. Turned out that Mark had lied to me to protect the secrecy of the date: we ended up in the Distillery District to see a play, and I'd guessed at both of those somewhat seriously. The play ended up being standing room only, and Mark didn'r want to have his special lady have to stand around in the dark for ours on love day, so we went to the Toronto Outdoor Art exhibition instead, where we:

a) Bought a fortune cookie that won us an arty prize.
b) Found out that I know the sister of his artist friend that he met in Saskatoon.
c) Didn't buy any art.
d) Got kicked out of the reflection pool.
e) All of the above.

We spent hours there gawking at really cool art of all shapes and forms, while wishing we had the money to buy it, and then headed off to SECRET DINNER LOCATION. Which ended up being Bloom, in Bloor West Village. Mark had picked it solely on its Summerlicious menu selection, and it was PRETTY GOOD. I think he had pork something, and I had Swordfish. We also had wine, and damn our consciouses, because we told the waiter when he forgot to add the bottle to the bill. I'm feeling pretty giddy around Mark lately - I think we've settled into a really nice stage of our relationship :) Anyway, thank you Mark, for yesterday, and everything.

I'm getting tired now, but today was also cool. I'll write in point form.

-Slept in (after a night at the Madison with John and his friends)
-Walked across St. Clair after deciding walking past World Cup Action was as much fun as watching the game on tv
-Found a random street celebration closing off the street in honour of Italy (before they won)
-Had Gelato at La Paloma
-Walked down to Flash & Crash, today is it's last day ever. Mark bought many CD's and I bought one (Ida)
-Had Sushi on Bloor with John-Gave John the Love Apartment tour
-Finished my Stillepost mix - only a week late, hooray!

Goodnight :)


Anonymous said...

yesterday they closed of a bunch of street for the god damn crazy soccer people, this was on top of the streets that were already closed off for the gay pride weekend, and Sunfest (cultural festival). Good thing I stayed away from downtown on Sunday

Sharon said...

I love running study interference... and I also love fresh guacamole - so whenever those two can be accomplished in the same act, I'm afraid I'll have to do my level best. :D

sarah said...

Happy love day! That sounds fantastic. What a brilliant idea to get spoiled more than usual for no reason except for love... which is the best reason!

Sharon said...

new post new post new post!! I'm in freaking DC - I need Canadian things to read!!