Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Thanksgiving was super nice. I got to enjoy lovely family times both with Mark's, and with my family. I made rosebuds out of maple leaves found on the nicest drive of the year, and got all mushy about Mark. Mark's mom and I made a Bourbon (ok, we cheated and used JD) Pumpkin Cheesecake, and sipped some straight bourbon while we were at it. We finished watching season 4 of SixFeetUnder, and are going to try and hold off till we're closer to the Montreal visit to start on season 5. Also, I think I LOST weight this weekend - definitely a rarity on Thanksgiving.

I was thinking about Halloween, and I'm considering going as a Can-Lit heroine. I might have to think of something simpler, because to do justice to the image in my mind, I would need numerous unwieldly props. Like a dinghy, in which I would struggle through a stormy sea to get the doctor for my sister, who would be in chilbirth, and would later die and I'd have to raise the baby on a remote Newfoundland rock. I would also need a weatherbeaten window to look through, at my desolate surroundings. I'd have to wear some worn-out grey dresses, and maybe I'd hold a candle (that would keep going out). Possibly, I'd make myself up to look like I had TB. I'll also need to recruit someone to be the incestuous male in my life. I hope someone else goes as a psychologist that can give me some prozac.


megan said...

HAH - brilliant!

you, me and mark all need to think of a costume to wear together in montreal for the party... we could take the CanLit stereotype to a three-tiered extreme! mark could be the pious rural minister whose small-town life is shaken up when his scandalized daughter returns from the city with a bastard child who he refuses to baptize...

megan said...

...until a woman from his dark & forgotten past (that's you) shows up with his OWN bastard child... and so they all decide to go an live in newfoundland. the minister becomes a fisherman. and develops a slight drinking problem. the winters are hard.

Paula said...

My ergonomic and biomechanics lab at the moment thinks you guys are crazy! WOO WOO

Jen said...

We ARE crazy - crazy for depressing literature!!

Megan, you could be the dreamer with big ambitions who moves off to the city to become a writer, but is forever chained to her roots.

(I'm thinking this is largely getting swayed to colony of unrequited dreams)