Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Government isn't paying you to read this.

All the summer students are starting their work in the labs week. Awesome. The ones in my lab are awesome. Other labs = not so lucky. Without naming names, I will recount an epidoes of unbridled hilarity:

SO, for those of you who have not found yourself working in a lab as an undergraduate, you may be surprised to discover the amount of bitchwork being tossed your way. I found myself making graphs and running to the library to get old articles, generally for whichever post-doc needed the help. So the other day, our lab got a visit from Dr. Nic, who recounted the one of the funniest stories featuring work-related idiocy that I've ever heard. Apparently, one of our more beloved Ph.D. students (in another lab) was getting the new summer student to make him some graphs, since it's conference crunch time. This is the first day of work for said summer student. Upon making the graphs, she asks him if there's anythign else he needs her to do. He says 'nope, that's good for now,' to which she replies "OK - well I'm going to go talk to our supervisor and find out if she has anything to do for me tomorrow, because I don't think the government is paying me to do YOUR research." GUH?!?!

And apparently the next day, which would be day two for her, she told off the supervisor for not giving emailing her back quickly enough.

Man - I can't believe how ballsy this girl is, but then again, the government isn't paying me to think about stuff like that :)


Anonymous said...

Except that at an academic dinner you must feel out of place. The high and mightiness of academics...

sarah said...

wowhow! academic life... Good that your students are good though. Although you're probably just saying that, cause mine weren't that good, but I never said so on my blog. :P