Friday, September 29, 2006

This weekend? It's application time. Yikes. I'm managing to hold off my urge to procrastibake an apple crisp right now by blogging (hey - I'm at the computer at least), but I know that I'm getting close to my 'git down git'r done' point. Speaking of - I saw a big-ass sticker on the rear window of the truck the other day that read "Git'r Done." Yee-haw.

At this point though, I'm afraid that anything I do will be in vain - I was informed of another BRILLIANT York administrative policy stating that no student shall have their transcript updated to say they've finished their degree untill after the graduation ceremony. This is the most ridiculous piece of garbage I've ever heard - it basically means that my transcripts that I'll be sending off with my applications (which are going to cost me $500+) are going to list my master's degree as as-yet incomplete. Which basically means that I'm no more competetive than I was last year, which means, yay me, I'm screwed. But, I'll be trying my best and hoping for the best anyways.

1 comment:

megan said...

I met someone today who is also stressing about med school applications this weekend! except instead of procrastibaking (or procrastiblogging) she was procrastichapbookmaking! There are all kinds of way to delay the inevitable! yay!

(good luck! :)

(email to follow)