Sunday, September 17, 2006

So... what's next?

Try to take over the world? So far I've got North America:

Aside from world domination, I have a vague idea of what this next year is going to bring. I've already mentioned that I've signed up for French classes. These will hopefully get me to a state where I feel comfortable enough using French that I will be able to nevigate myself around frenchland without upsetting the locals. And hopefully, I will have some lovely friends with me. I checked out the Go Abroad fair downtown yesterday, and unfortunately it was pretty much a complete dissapointment. Basically, I learned that I can definitely go anywhere I want, but I should really go learn hotel management at a foreign school that will charge me a BMW for admissions, or, I also have the option of teaching English. Not exactly the life-changing experiences I want. Looks like I'll have to do some more research!

Also: we've had these chairs for almost a year now. They're scary, unless you're a fierce cat:

(due to Risk lasting till 4am before being abandoned, this post is scattered and short on content. It's a good day.)


megan said...

hmmm... looks like Tycho't not the ONLY one in need of laser-induced exercise.....

Jen said...

pfft. Annie is NOT fat - she's just not rotten-tooth-induced-anorexic anymore!!

sarah said...

hey jen! You should get a teaching job at a university abroad. Singapore is a great place for that because they really like english-speaking, westerners to teach. Everyone speaks english there already, so you wouldn't be undervalued as an ESL teacher when you obviously have other skills. They are kind of desperate at Nanyang Technological University in their new arts program. They are hiring all the time. The other is called National University of Singaopre. Check them out.

Jen said...

Hey Sarah!
I might look into that, although I imagine that it would be pretty tough for me to get a university job with no teaching experience :( I think I'm going to be pretty happy doing anything though, as long as I get to actually travel!