Wednesday, September 20, 2006

SFU (not STFU, that would just be rude)

I suppose it's fitting that with the onset of Fall (Ok, I know it's not techically for another couple of days, but c'mon), Mark and I have started a new TV addiction. Following the lead of Megan, we've started going through the seasons of Six Feet Under. For those who are unfamiliar with the premise, it's a drama (also, comedic) that revolves around a family that runs a funeral home. These characters are all incredibly flawed, but interesting. Magnetic. Each episode begins with a death, and the focus of that episode is shaped in some way by the death. I think part of how wonderful the show is is that it forces the viewer to confront death, accept it as a natural part of life that not only brings sorrow, but also can be the starting point for some very positive shange, or at least some honest introspection. My point: excellent show, not guilty about watching due to instructiveness of content.

I'm being truthful when I call it an addiction: we think about it when its not on, we're driven to consuming far too much of it, and when we run out, we almost instantly need a new fix. Over the last week, we watched all of season one (it was fantastic, of course), which was a wonderful intro to a series that hooked us last year with only a few episodes late in the series. Anyway, on Monday night we finished the season by watching four episodes. FOUR. Yesterday, I felt withdrawal coming on - no episodes waiting for me to come home and watch them. That, coupled with a lack of yumminess in the fridge and no desire to go grocery shopping, led me down to Bloor, where I placed my takeout sushi order (mmmmmmmm AND cheap!), and headed on over to Queen video (yes, Queen video is on Bloor, but named after Queen st...?!) and grabbed season two. Saw a look of confusion enter sales clerk's eyes. "Umm, so did you know that Mark, the other person on the account, already took this same thing out a couple of hours ago?" I left feeling absolutely elated, Mark beat me to the punch on my sweet surprise, and I have the comfort in knowing that my addiction is fully and completely shared.


sarah said...

cute story! I love that show too and was obsessed with it the winter I was in Banff, but lost interest in season 3... I thought it went down hill, but would have given it a chance had I not moved. SO GOOD!

megan said...

hahaha that's so awesome... you guys are the pairiest pair I've every known! and six feet under is soooooooooooooooooo sosososooooo good... especially the 5th & 6th seasons.... my god, so good. my good, so god. etc.

and don't worry if you already know about some upcoming major events in the series... there are PLENTY of surprises left in the bag for you. and don't snoop through the spoilers! you need net nanny or something. maybe by the time you get to season six i'll be home for christmas so we can all see a couple of episodes together. although at this rate you'll be all done by october. or maybe we could watch the end when you come in october! i'd LOOOOVE to see the last couple of episodes again, especially with people who haven't seen them before....

this comment really should have been an email... oh well... this just shows how much i love the show! and how much i love YOU!