Thursday, June 29, 2006

The week is a fun.

Ok - no pictures yet, but hopefully there will be some soon. The weekend with Megan was awesome, and I have a pretty sweetass tan. I don't look like this any more:

Now, I look like the winter/spring colour of normal people.

Friday night was failed attempt #1 at going to the Dance Cave, but I did make a fancy dinner for people and we had a nice time walking to and from the lineup outside of Lee's. The Saturday came with a sleep-in for Meg's and I, while the man went off to work, followed by a leisurely breakfast and a mad dash through Union Station. Dad picked us up in Pickering, and we proceeded to have a bikini-riffic time on the boat (Megs and I, not my parents) while enjoying the sun and lack of winds. The lake is currently cold and refreshing. We got back (were driven back, yay!) just in time for Nicole's going away party at the Pour House, where we feted her with Apple and blue cupcakes. Later, saw A Prairie Home Companion and made failed attempt #2 at the Dance Cave (this time due to extreme tiredness). Sunday was the Gay Pride Parade, which was pretty huge and awesome, and I got to see some of my favourite politicians show support (read: get votes) and a lot of shameless advertising suffering from a lack of free stuff. Also got to see a lot of penis - isn't that illegal in public? It was a good time anyways :) Laura and Dawson's new apartment is making Mark and I consider moving out of our little place, but I think we'll wait a couple more months anyways. Their new kitten is adooooorable. BANANAS! Afterwards, we saw Megan off at the bus station and I set off on a Quest for Mint. Nowadays, the grocery stores just don't have it, but in the end, it was found. And I got hit on while buying ice - it was an uncomfortable situation. Mojito party was good, and so was Dutch Dreams (as always).

Then yesterday i got to hang out with Paula and Jos, and it was a hugely enjoyable situation despite the circumstances that brought us together. It was nice to see some of the sophs again - Heather, Adam (& awesme new girlfriend), Kat, etc. We had a really entertaining lunch with Adam (& awesome new girlfriend), and headed back to Toronto for dinner - too much eating all day long. Later, we went to see Superman Returns, which I thought was really well done. I'd been hoping to see it with Paula, since she is definitely the biggest Superman fan I know, so it was an awesome coincidence that she was in town on opening night. We ended up getting tickets to the last showing - I was surprised that t wasn't sold out at all - and got there wayyy too early to stand in lie. Jos had the fantastic idea of hitting up the Starbucks across the street, and we got there just before it closed. Furthering my love of Baristas, the dude unloaded all of his pastries on us, yay! We gobbled our food, watched the movie, and got home at 2am. My stomach hates me today.

But yeah, Superman = awesome movie. The acting was all really well done, the CGI was well done, and the story was great. I called something pretty significant pretty early on (when I first read about the movie plot actually). It was fairly solidly confirmed halfway through the movie, and then super-solidly confirmed at the end. At which point the audience made shocked noises. I DON'T GET IT. How could people not have seen it coming especially at that point in the movie? I'm always frustrated when movies feel like they need to bludgeon you over the head with something or else you just won't get it, but I guess I understand it now. Aside from that, my overall feel of the movie was that it made me want to sit in the theatre for a really long time and see more of Superman's life, it really got me to care. Awesome.

Random Observation: The serving size listed on the side of packages of bagels lists the standard bagel serving as 1/2 bagel. THAT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. You're just making me do x2 multiplication in my head, because the seving size of a bagel is obviously A BAGEL. Making me do the math makes me not want to buy your bagels.


Sharon said...

So awesome you got to see the Superman movie with Paula!!! Slightly envious, but more happy!! Goodness all around. Did you have a mojito party without me?? I'm busy trying to get things ready for the weekend, I suppose I should go on a mad dash to find mint, and other associated goodness.

Anonymous said...

was that the Pour House, like Brantford Pour House, cause I just laugh at that place, it cant make up its mind if it wants to be a pool hall or a dance club.

cause I laugh in the face of the Pour House.

And well if this isnt the same Pour House, then you can ignore everything I just said.

Jen said...

Sharon - yeah, we had a pretty wicked mojito party :) hopefully there will be more tonight!

Kev(in?) - No, the Pour House I'm talking about is all sorts of awesomeness - I don't think they have a pool table, but they do have a great patio, and one of my former roomates as a server :)

Anonymous said...

good to hear, I was worried for a moment

Anonymous said...

^ only when it involves Pi though.

sarah said...

sounds awesome! I actually have a picture of you and fadi from a while back looking hawt in your swimwear. :)