Friday, December 01, 2006

Friday Nothings.

TTC: you suck. Not in a terrible way, just in a terribly annoying way.

COFFEE: Too complicated for early mornings. It was fine back when all I had to do was order (although the fumbling for money part was always tricky), but now the space-aged free coffee machine is taxing my brain before it should be taxed. It grinds its own beans and is great and all, but only dispenses the equivalent of a Timmy's small. So you either have to have only a little bit, or get too much and have to have some spill over the top of your mug. I realize that I could just get a bigger mug, but the point is that I've found a way for it to be PERFECT. Push the buttons for a chocomilk (which is hot chocolate made with mlk instead of water, amazing!), and when that's done, add an espresso shot. IT FILLS TO THE PERFECT AMOUNT FOR MY MUG. Except I keep screwing up and pushing the Mocha button, and ending up with two espresso shots. Now I'm over-caffeinated and hyper-excitable. Two buttons is too much for my brain to handle, apparently.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Your machine sounds so exciting!! I want one!! Which would be somewhat pointless since I don't enjoy coffee - I can do the french vanillas - but that hot chocolate with milk sounds incredible!!!