Tuesday, December 19, 2006

No Winter for a Year

Things are really starting to pick up. I can't believe that a week from now, Christmas will be over, I'll have been to Quebec and back for the Kowgier's lovely Christmas ski trip tradition, AND hopefully I'll have wrapped/given most of my gifts (which, for the most part, have been bought). I'm not even on my holidays yet!


Mom's coming downtown after work and we're going to see White Christmas at the Bloor, possibly with her Whitby friends - good times! I'm looking forward to it. I don't think I've ever seen the movie, and for some reason, I'm on a huge Christmas movie kick right now.

And now, the weekend recap:

Mark and I spent most of Friday night working on Christmas gifts, in preparation for the annual potluck with my high school friends. I'm so happy that I got to go to it this year; normally I miss it due to the ski trip, or other conflicts. Mark finally got to meet everyone, and I got to relax and chat with people that I haven't seen, in some cases, for six years. On a sad note: I may have ruined my reputation as the baker. Instead of making a cheesecake for the party, I brought (gasp!!) a store-bought Christmas log cake. I'm hanging my head in shame RIGHT NOW. The gang, all growed up:

On Sunday, Mark and I went with my mom's side of the family to Langdon Hall in Cambridge for a double birthday (mom's and nana's) brunch. It was beautiful - a great location, great food, and as always, a fun time with that group. Mark and I headed back downtown afterwards, and spent the night baking cookies and cuddling up on the couch to watch Elf. Hooray for the holidays!

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