Friday, June 01, 2007

It's raining me, watch out!

I really can't wait until I am on a plane and everything that needs to be done in the next three weeks is either done or I've at least moved past worrying about it. I am starting to feel like a little ball of stress, and its showing. My hair is falling out! And I'm falling over! Damn. Don't pity me though, I'm starting to feel a little bit more in control of my to-do list, and I'm not going to let any of it fall to pieces.

And speaking of falling, I watched my first surgeries the other day. For part two of my eye training, I watched my ophthalmologist perform 4 cataract surgeries. My two major impressions: 1) Oh wow it is so amazing that we can do this! Your lens got cloudy? No problem! We will just suction it out and insert a new one and by the way, you also won't need to wear glasses anymore because it fixes that problem too!; and, 2) There is no way to wrap your brain around the idea that suctioning out part of the eye can be a good thing, therefore, it conks out on ya.

I was watching (through a high-res microscope no less!) the first surgery, thinking about how absolutely amazing it was, when I started to feel funny. So I went to go sit down. And then when I started to get up, I realized that I wasn't on the chair like I thought I was... I was right out on the floor. Beside the surgery-in-progress. I had absolutely no recollection of not being on the chair, just of things being a bit woozy. Yikes. The other ones that I watched went a lot better (for me - for the patients all of the surgeries went extremely well). It really is incredible.

Also, I'm officially done at York. I still have more things to do there, and they'll get done, but at least for the next few weeks I can focus on studying and getting other stuff done that I've neglected for far too long! Tomorrow, I study, and see Paula, Maggie and Sharon all in one place, and see the opening of the new ROM crystal. Amazing!

PS the other faint was more of a close call - I had a funny reaction to a needle and went all woozy on the nurse. Buck up, body!


megan said...

Oh man, that is the most exciting thing ever... you actually got to watch surgeries... you're getting all Grey's Anatomy on us! (but hopefully without the melodrama)


sarah said...

oh wow! That's a great story! Congrats on everything. :)

Roz said...

I just about fainted reading about surgery on someone's eye...that stuff makes my knees weak!

Jen said...

Ah, sorry about that Roz!! I'll put a disclaimer up next time ;)

And Megan: no melodrama. Although, there was a cute doctor that I shadowed the week before... I kinda wish he'd been there to catch my fall. NO WAIT I LOVE MARK UH OH I WAS TOTALLY JUST KIDDING!!!