Our garage sale was a fantastic success!! Between people dropping off donations, and selling our junk, I managed to (I think) meet my base fundraising amount! Everything else is gravy (and by gravy, I mean cataract surgeries - don't serve them with turkey). I had a great time talking to people all day, which meant that not too much studying was done, so I've been cramming like crazy to make up for it. I think I'm in pretty good shape - I should finish up with Inorganic Chem tonight, which only leaves me with Physics to cover. Then, I'll hopefully have a day for review and practice tests.
I also happened to win an awesome contest hosted by an awesome music blog!! Hooray!! Tomorrow (eep! I'd better do a ton of physics before then) night I'm going to check out Pela (not, as I originally thought, Pele). To win, I had to make the best musical suggestion that Connor hadn't already covered. I knew if I suggested Basia Bulat, I'd be a shoe-in, and I was right. So thanks should go out to Basia and Co. for making such incredible music. At least its going to be not too long of a night... I think I'm only interested in seeing Pela due to the actual headlining band destroying my ears when I tried to listen to them.
PS - both Pele and Pela are great and deserve a good listen (as does Basia)!!
PPS - In other music-y news, YMG, I've finished your cd and hopefully will hit up a post office tomorrow!
Two shouts for awesomeness! WOOWOO WOOWOO
My question: did you actually sell that toilet?
yes we did!!
(it was clean)
Sweet! Sorry I couldn't make it out to your sale. I'm glad it was a success!
I really didn't expect people who don't live in Whitby to hit up Whitby just to buy my junk ;)
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