Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Woo! Summer!

Hooray for me, my summer has finally begun! Things I'm going to do:

Shop! I need a new dress for the upcoming weddings, which probably means that I get to buy shoes as well.

Learn french! I've even signed up for courses; optimistically, I placed myself in the intermediate class. I'm gonna bust my ass, ou, ma derriere (is that French, or do we just pretend it is?).

Alternately bake and do yoga. Hopefully more of the latter, as I would like the balance of the two to shift me to svelteness.

Also: play manhunt, frisbee, go to the ex, go camping, go on the boat, and most importantly, defend la thesis and apply to schools! Hopefully, that will be with decent mcat scores, although that may be askng too much of the multiple choice gods.

Joy of joys, I am done.


Sharon said...

I'm the first one to comment YAY!! I'm so happy that you're able to start your summer, and so proud of you for these two recent huge accomplishments. I can't wait to celebrate more.

Paula said...

You forgot to mention a trip to VS in your up and coming adventures - the term shopping in general can never include VS

Sharon said...

what's VS?

Paula said...

Victoria Secret

Anonymous said...

play frisbee, like ultimate frisbee?? or is it just called ultimate?

Jen said...

We can celebrate, maybe, by going to VS? I think so!

Kev, I take whatever I can get - I haven't been on an ultimate team for a few years, so it's usually just tossin the disc around, but I enjoy some (REC) team play when I can get it.

Anonymous said...

I see I see. from time to time I pretend to be the Tiger Woods of the frisbee golf realm, but then I realize its a long shot no matter how much I pratice