Monday, June 26, 2006


Ok, so the iPod? It's currently in the Intensive Care Unit, but looks like it might pull through! Despite the dire news from the iPod Updater and my disk Utility (which even has an icon with a stethoscope - I have to trust that guy) which basically said that there was no disk and no hope - the iPod has been reset. I promise, no more John Mayer (I remembered his name!) and DEFINITELY no screamo (but maybe some Knapsack...).


It needs a new name! One that will reflect its trials and tribulations! An honourable name that will make it always remember that it's life is worth living! So please send me your suggestions - the winner will receive a coconut (or a picture of a coconut if they're not in walking distance), since I have four coconuts right now. Maybe I'll post a picture of the coconuts later.


Anonymous said...

I think that God is always an acceptable name, and I find it funny that people dont name their children, pets, and I-pods this name more often.

I will think of someting better later, Im sure of it.

Anonymous said...

Rambo. That dude went through some tough shit.

Anonymous said...

Tupac cause he died and came back in hie next life as Eminem. Cause be honest, there is no way that a white rapper would have made it this far.

Or Elvis, cause he dies and came back as Michael Jackson. Cause there is no way that a black guy could turn white and molest children and get away with it, unless he was the king.

Jen said...

Eep - I may have spoken too soon - the iPod by itself looks fine, but my computer still won't recognize it. I'll still give you guys pictures of coconuts for your efforts though.

Sharon said...

How bout .... Francesco - because it sounds sexy and Italian.

Sharon said...

Okay okay, it might not be really meaningful, but it was an attempt - I wanna see some coconuts~!