Tuesday, July 12, 2005


The house that Mark and his roomates lived in for two years, ending about a month ago, was destroyed in a fire two days ago along with seven other neighboring houses. I was always worried about fires & his house, since he had a basement room and there was only one possible exit from that floor. I'm really really glad that they had all moved out. I feel so bad for his neighbors; they were so nice and worked so hard on their houses. Absolutely nobody was hurt though, which is pretty awesome. I was driving back from Whitby that day and saw what I thought was smog hanging over the city, turns out it was actually smoke fromt he fire!! The GTA section of thestar.com has details if you want to know more.

The house that the stream of water is going towards is Mark's old house. Spooky.

Better stuff:
This weekend was pretty awesome (soory again to Nic, whose party i missed completely), Paula (best friend for about 10 years now) came to visit for the first time in months, so it was great to catch up & enjoy the summer. We hooked up with Maggie (& Brandon & Mark for some much-needed laughs and drinks. I got some much needed naps too. I loooove girls nights. Even when Marks show up. We got some sailing & swimming in on Sunday, which has been one of my best days all summer, documented by my sweet 'tan'. Pics to come soon I hope!

One bad thing:
I just found out that I might have to go to court next week because my #$^#$% roomate hasn't paid rent in 6 months. And I'm cosigned on the list. No pics to follow. I'm trying very very hard not to let it stress me out.

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