Monday, February 25, 2008

The last few weeks have been absolutely amazing - I was going to wait until I uploaded some photos before I posted here, but since the last of our computers seems to have internally combusted (no, not really, but it might as well have), I guess you'll just have to imagine the images. I'll give prompts when you're supposed to imagine!

Starting with the boring: I've fixed my boots problem by only wearing office shoes, and leaving the boots behind. Yes, this has caused an increase in "# days shoes get snowy," but has also resulted in a %100 reduction in "# days Jen looks like an idiot clumping around in winter boots indoors."

(Image# 1: Black pointy toe shoes ON MY FEET UNDER MY DESK. Note the startling lack of similarity to clunky salt-stained winter boots!)

Moving on to the awesome!

An amazing meat-filled week (I'm officially designating March as 'Meatless March' to make up for it) was had with our favourite Austrians ever. We braved frigid temperatures, snow storms, and beautiful sunny days to have some of the best winter fun Toronto has to offer. I finally went to Phil's BBQ, and have some of the best bbq that I've ever had. It was a hit with Chris and Vera too, who pronounced it the best bbq ever.

Skating at Nathan Phillips Square was great, except for my size-too-small skates (how did that happen??). Correction - it was great AFTER I had them sharpened - my two laps before I had them sharpened led to 3 separate moments of Jen spawled on ice. I decided I'd had enough after about 20 minutes, and went back to my office to grab some things that we'd left there while C, V, and Mark finished up on the ice. On my way back, both arms loaded down with books and skates, I took atumble into a slush puddle.

IMAGE: Me, face down in slush, business types diverging around me while I brush off the dirty wet ice and try not to cry because I am very very embarrassed and my pinky finger is sprained. Poor me.

Our last night in Toronto with Chris and Vera was greta - they cooked us an amazing pasta (the sauce had nearly an entire bottle of red wine!) and I made us some chocolate volcano cakes before we headed out to my new favourite bar ever, the Crooked Star, for some of their awesome Caesars (they have FIVE different kinds! All blazingly spicy!) and a round of Oh Hell.

Thursday morning was very sad - V&C had cleared out before we woke up, and their absence was definitely felt. Toronto decided to cheer me up though - from the subway to work I was surrounded by little pink hearts spraypainted in the snow! (IMAGE: little pink hearts! In snow!). Our Valentine's day was nice - as usual we didn't really 'celebrate'- just cooked ourselves a nice dinner complete with wine and Cinema Paradiso.

On Friday, I left for Montreal with my two favourite Toronto M's (Mark and Maggie) to see my favourite Montreal M! Over the course of our three day weekend, we drank many (, many, many) bottles of red wine, saw some art (damn lack of student card!), cooked a lot of yummy food, went out for a lot more yummy food, and had front row seats for a hilarious taping of CBC's "The Debaters." We met up with Vera and Chris again for Poutine and smoked meat, finally saying goodbye and immediately starting to wish we were planning another trip to Austria. We also made the most of our one toboggan on top of Montreal:

(IMAGE: One bright yellow inflatable toboggan, a maggie lying on top of it, with a Megan and a Jen sitting on the Maggie. Five seconds later: A bright yellow inflatable toboggan, a Maggie lying on top of it, with a a Jen sitting on the Maggie, and a Megan sprawled 10m back. Ten seconds later: One bright yellow inflatable toboggan, with a Maggie sprawled beside it, a Jen sprawled 5m back, and a snowy Megan walking toward. You must put big smiles on all involved, and laughing onlookers in your image.)


I am currently in the midst of a Paula visit, so there will be more updates soon!

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