Friday, February 01, 2008


(side note - I've forgotten to bring my camera along for about a month, so there are no lovely pics to illustrate the fun stuff that I did manage to do in January)

Title credited to my writing coach, the slavedriver Ms. Megan F. I just noticed that I had almost posted a 'new' thing back at the beginning of January, but it never got past the draft stage. I do have very legitimate reasons for NOT posting though - at the moment I am working two jobs and I just calculated that in January, I worked an average of nearly 60 hours per week. Wowsa. I'm liking it though, and not feeling burnt-out. I've decided that the non-burnout is due largely to the fact that my two jobs are polar opposites of each other. My theory is that the hours worked at the one cancel out hours worked at the other - so if I work 20 at one, and 40 at the other in a given week, it's like I've only worked 20 hours. Wow, 20 hours - I'm so lazy!

The last time I felt this way was back at the end of high school, and for brief periods during my undergrad. Instead of being worn out by all of the hours of my day taken up by duties, I was energized and happy. That's pretty much how I'm feeling now. I'm also pretty thrilled that I've finally paid off the last of my trip/application debt, and I can start saving again and splurging on the little things I've been avoiding for the past few months, like going for nice dinners with friends, buying cds and concert tickets, etc.

The one major downside is that it's become very hard to plan my life to include as much time with friends as I'd like. I haven't seen Sharon in WEEKS, shameful since we are living in the same city and work two blocks apart. For that reason, I'm looking VERY forward to her superbowl party this weekend (it's certainly not for the football reason - I've honed my skill of attending s-bowl parties and watching fewer than 5 minutes of the actual game). There's also the hope that I'll get to see Paula and Maggie, and generally gave a kickass day.

Awesome things:
Sushi with friends.
Fancy dinners with friends.
Movies with friends.
Yoga (with friends).
Sbux sandwiches, mostly.

Sucky things:
Pain in shoulder.
Working 26 out of 40 hours.
Sbux Antipasto Sandwiches (41! grams of fat, including 8! saturated! >2000 mg sodium! >750 calories! Eat it and you will die!)

1 comment:

Paula said...

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to see you this weekend.... trust me - staying home, watching the superbowl in my pjs - although sounds nice - really isn't when you are all by yourself - except on the other hand - it does mean my roommates are not here....