Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thursday side of the street

Today has me thinking that I should completely redo my schedule and not work before noon. My Thursday night class has allowed me to start at noon rather than 9am, and I have had the BEST day. I woke up easily, before my alarm. I puttered around the apartment and hung out with Annie. I picked up my new jeans from the tailors, and was not rushed or late on my way to York. At work, I've been motivated, and productive (well, not RIGHT this moment) and feeling perkier and clear-headed than I've felt in weeks. Hooray!

Also, great things have been happening today. I was flipping through my Eye weekly on the bus and came across this picture, accompanied by a full-page article:

That guy there on the left? That's Michael. I met him through Mark, since they are and have been in many bands together. He is hilarious, and that photo made me laugh out loud on the bus.

A couple of minutes later, I *just* missed a call. When I checked my messages, there was a very urgent one from John. He was frantic, saying that it was of utmost importance that I called him back immediately. So, without even bothering to search for my long distance calling card, I called him. And asked whose house was on fire. Apparently, there was no real emergency, he just wanted me to call him back that day so he made it *sound* urgent (note to us - this may solve the all-too-common problem of trying to get in touch with him, just leave messages sounding like you're hanging off the side of a cliff and he's the only one who can save you).

His question: what is Sharon's new contact information?! "I can't find her number and I NEED to call her because it's almost her birthday!!!" I laughed at him and told him that he's going to run into problems if he uses facebook to manage his life. I reminded him that her birthday happened right before we went to Cuba, therefore, is in May. All because Sharon listed some random day in February as her birthday.


In other news re: goodness, Mark and I watched Broken Flowers and Saved! last night. While he favors the former,and I the latter, they were both really good and worthy of watching. Saved was absolutely hilarious, and made me like The Macauley again. We managed to watch both of them in one night even though my Yorkdale stop turned into 2.5 hours rather than 0.5 hours. I scored though, using my Bay gift card to get some sweet tops, a skirt and a pair of jeans on really good sales, and I got the cutest ever black leather flats. I want to go back and get them in gold. I need to post pics so that everyone can agree that they are the cutest.

To top off a great week: I had the Best. Sammich. EVER. It was on dark rye from Kensington, and was topped with brie, tomatoes, avocados, and a slice of prosciutto. MMMMMMMM. In unrelated news, I'm getting fat.


Paula said...

First of all anythign that states to be Dutch or German is A-OK by me.
Second of all - at least John called you - I find for me that only happens once a year - he filled that quota last week
Thirdly - I think Sharon just wants more bday parties to make up for the lack of parties she had growing up - can't really blame her there
Fourthly - whats this about not living your life based on facebook? I'm so confused!! I thought that was the point of such a lifeline!
Fifthly - is fifthly even a word? Anyway - I bought some boots in brown that I liked so much I got them in black - they didn't come in gold but if they did I probably still wouldn't get gold boots - I have a few pink items now but haven't graduated to gold yet!

Jen said...

Paula, you're not listening. What you need to do is to leave a message on his phone that sounds like you're dying. Then he will call.

Yay boots!