Saturday, August 12, 2006


My revisions are going pretty well right now - my supervisor said some pretty nice things about the state of my thesis and right now, I'm feeling a bit good about it. My problem, however, is that any time I need to connect to the internet to look up an article, I feel compelled to do something - anything - else on the internet. This has led to a whole bunch of new music from music blogs to listen to, an obsessive search for a video made to tease Peter from .moneen. that I had found years ago (I didn't find it today, boo), and various blog reads. I figured this time, I might as well be a little bit productive and blog something myself.

I'm in a writing mood, so stuff is flowing out easily. Unlike yesterday, my use of grammar is not completely incomprehensible. I'm generally in a good mood, and enjoying the constant stream of goodness coming out of iTunes. And hopefully, I should be able to get my intro completely reworked by the end of tonight. WOOWOO!

Tomorrow, I'm heading to Whitby in between thesising to attend a bridal shower for my childhood best friend. I'm really excited for this, since we unfortunately drifted apart due to some stresful life events, and probably mostly because I moved away to London. Tomorrow, we'll get to catch up, and hopefully rekindle a more stable friendship, cause I miss her craziness.

OK - break is over, it's back to the couch far far away from the internet for me now.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Tell Amber I say hello!