Saturday, July 21, 2007

Guten Tag!

Hi from Berlin!

This is by far them most beautiful city that we've seen so far, which is saying a lot. Mark and I rented some bikes today and biked around the city (and for a few hours, joined a free bike tour that gave us so much info). There are so many incredible places here. Despite biking around for about 7 hours, I feel like we've only had the most cursory tour of the city. Tomottow we're hopefully going to see more places in more detail.

It's a bit incredible to be in a city that has been around for such a long time, but feels completely new. Even the buildings that look really old are new - most had to be rebuilt after the war. Also, it hasn't even been 20 years since the fall of the Berlin wall (of which we've seen many fragments), and you can feel the rebirth that is still occurring. The weather was fantastic today, but is supposed to be a bit rainy tomorrow so we will likely hit up some museums, and our favourite cafe. We'll be here until Monday night, when we catch our first overnight train (we splurged for the couchettes rather than the upright seats) to Vienna. I've found us a place to stay (couchsurfing again!!) and I'm very excited!


Paula said...

I love that you two already have a favourite cafe in the area! Thats so cute!!!

sarah said...

I just got your postcard!!! You are amazing and adorable. It made me so happy. So glad you're having such a good time!!!