Friday, June 05, 2009

Love Day!

I can't decide if the overriding feeling of the past month has been happy, or crazy. I'm leaning toward happily crazy. School is still great, but it feels like a never ending race most of the time. A few of us have been feeling a little bit burnt out, and I for one can't wait until summer electives - still lots of work, but it will (for the most part) start in the morning and be DONE at 5 pm. No more feeling guilty if I'm not studying till 11 or 12.

I've been trying to fit in time for friends during all of this, and for Mark. We had a fantastic weekend celebrating 6 years together - he put together an awesome day of adventure. Choose-my-own-adventure, to be exact. My picks: breakfast? outside! How to get to the picnic? bikes! Where to go to dinner? secret restaurant #3! The resulting adventure? Good times!

We even managed to squeeze in some cleaning time mid-afternoon, because we are old and lame.

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