Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What to discuss? I feel like I've been denying myself a life lately so that I can stay on top of schoolwork. Downtime for the past month has consisted mainly of going to the gym, watching tv on the internet, making trip to the market and baking with the bounty.

I guess one new thing for me is my first ever book club. Unfortunately, geographic distance between myself and everyone I've ever wanted to book club (now it's a verb) with before has kept said book clubbing from happening. Now my Niagara crew, who, like me have been getting pretty wrapped up in all things medical, has decided to schedule in some hours that will force us to escape from kidneys and fetuses (fetii? I'm pretty sure the answer to that one is NO.) and spend some time with good books.

Our first was "Through Black Spruce," and I thoroughly enjoyed the book and the book clubbing that went with it. Our initial discussion started off a bit forced - this was the first time for most of us - but then fell into interesting, easy talk. I'm already looking forward to the next book, "The God of Small Things."

Also, I'm looking forward to Easter and THREE DAYS OFF.


Paula said...

talk about book clubbing has always been exciting - but never seemed possible.... :(
I'm excited that you've had the opportunity to join/form one though --- hopefully I can indirectly benefit from it in the respect that you'll be able to make a great list of books that you think are "must reads"... although I have yet to finish a book from my last chapters purchases... but thats because I got so busy with school work... and reading on the bus started making me car(bus) sick.

Phronk said...

You should shorten the verb to just "clubbing." Yeah that's right, take back that term for the shut-ins.