Friday, October 10, 2008


I. HATE. CARS. I was stuck in traffic for two hours yesterday, on what should have been a 35 minute trip. I basically missed my tutorial as a result. That sucks! Also, last week I got a flat! It was really scary because it sounded like it was my engine (I obviously know nothing about cars), but after waiting nearly two hours on the side of the highway, I was helped by some of the world's nicest tow truck people, and super-awesome people at the Wal-Mart mechanic shop. YEP I actually like Wal-Mart (well, the employees at least) for something.

I am getting lazy. I have not exercised more than walking for quite a while. This is not good. Hopefully when school stuff gets switched to St. Catharines, I'll be able to use at least some of the current 10 commuting hours/week to keep my body healthy.

-Nothing! I didn't even get to talk to P on her birthday, although messages were left :) I have not seen friends in a really long time! Well, except for school friends, and Gina who happened to be in town last weekend! Next weekend might contain a Jaime!

-My dress is in! And it fits! It may need some minor, minor alterations but it seems like all is well on that front!
-Basia is confirmed! This is beyond exciting and I'm so happy that she will be at the wedding. Mark and I are so lucky to have such talented friends. It is helping turn what could be a pretty stereotypical wedding into something very true to us.
-We have a few more big items on our list (like catering/invites/cake/dj) but hopefully, they will have nice little check marks next to them by this time next week. OK - that is a lie. There is no actual physical list, because Mark and I are not organized people. There is a cloud of stuff that gets remembered every once in a while by my head, so that cloud will have more little lines through it?


Smitha said...

Hey you, I am pretty much free every weekend from now until December, let me know when you're not doing exams and such and I can drop by. Maybe you and Mark can visit me when I'm in Ancaster. :)

Paula said...

You definitely did get to talk to my answering machine on my bday... it was greatly appreciated. I would have preferred to chat with you - but one day right?

When traffic annoys me - I look into back roads to avoid the more popular routes! Sometimes it may take an extra 10 minutes.. but saves time on those bad traffic days!!!

miss you!