Saturday, August 25, 2007

Hi again

It's turned out to be quite a slow Saturday in Accra. We were up bright and early and ready by 7:45 to head out, but as sometimes happens, the driver was late to pick us up. I used the bonus time to: go to the bank (all by myself! go me!), do my laundry (by hand, go me!) and make my first hot chocolate (from Belgium, yumm. And the hot chocolate wasn't all by myself, I offered Atrish, my food soulmate, a sip, and he had three, but it's ok since he shares his spicy food with me). Finally, we headed to the outreach, only to find out that it hadn't been publicized at all and thus there were only 4 patients. Packing stuff up at noon, we headed back to the guesthouse where I am taking full advantage of the lack of power outages and internet outages to write this down.

Tomorrow we're headed off to parts unknown to do a three-day outreach. I'm a little bit apprehensive about where we'll be staying, what we'll be eating and that sort of thing, but I'm trying to not worry and just be excited. I'm really enjoying hanging out with the other volunteers, so really, this will be just like a road trip with friends where instead of just getting somewhere and drinking, we will get somewhere and be useful and helpful and make people not blind before we drink our box of $1.25 wine. Did I mention that we found wine, 1 litre, for 1.25? It's really bad. BUT: 1.25.

Also, I had a dream last night where I got married. I had on a really pretty lace dress, and I took a limo to the ceremony, and the next thing I knew I was waking up the next morning at home and telling people I couldn't remember what happened after I got out of the limo and nobody believed that I'd forgotten my own wedding so soon.

I'm feeling a little bit silly today, can you tell?

PS: OGC hahaha.


Paula said...

I can completely see you in a lace dress!!! But I don't think you'll forget your wedding day - you might think it all goes by really quickly - but you won't forget - and if for some odd reason I'm wrong and you do forget - I'll remind you...and so will other friends and family members!

megan said...

do you remember the groom??