Friday, September 08, 2006


For the first time in my life, I'm not starting a new school year. For now, I'm done school, although I'm not quite able to relish in the doneness yet. This has led to a really strange feeling - I realize that a new year is starting up for pretty much everyone around me, but I don't FEEL it yet. For now, I just have this really odd, strange feeling of being stuck in a lengthy transition. I'm a little bit jealous of people starting their new years, and a little bit sad that I have no high-level courses to challenge me.


This time next week, everything will have changed. I'm getting quite anxious about my defense, but I'm plugging away at making a sweet presentation, and gearing myself up for the grilling. Oi. So that's why I'm not blogging much - interesting things have been happening but I'm not at liberty to fritter my time away right now.

(PS - I'm frittering a little bit - I did my tried and true procrastibake tonight ;)


Paula said...


Sharon said...

Yeah good luck!! Can't wait til we have Jenny back... ;)

Jen said...

Thanks ladies!!! I can't wait till I'm back either :)

Sharon said...

Okay seriously jen... The suspense is becoming completely unbearable -- would you tell us what happened yesterday PLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ?

Can't wait to talk to you.