Thursday, December 01, 2005

So its beena long time since I've had a normal checkup at the dentist... a really long time. It had gotten to the point where I hadn't been in so long, I was embarrassed to go because I'd have to tell them how long its been, and then of course, I had another reason to put it off. This morning, I went! They couldn't get all of the crap scraped from my teeth in the time I had for the appointment, so I have to go back next month for the last 1/4 of my mouth (and for filling 2 cavities...), but I guess in a way, I'm still saving loads of dentist time since 2 visits for a cleaning is definitely less than the number of visits that I've missed.

Of note: It didn't hurt. It got uncomfortable for all of 10 seconds, out of a 45 minute cleaning. I don't really know why the hygenist wanted to show me my gums while she cleaned, she knew I wasn't in pain. You know how little kids don't feel hurt when they fall down until they look and see blood on their knee? It was kinda like that. Except it actually didn't hurt, even after looking plaque in the eye.

I also got radiated - mutant Jen coming through!!

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