Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Three Years

Today is Mark's and my third anniversary, and we'll be celebrating it by having a date night over the phone, as he be in Saskatoon. I'm hoping this date will include dancing and romantic phrases. Maybe some takeout sushi, yum!

So hooray for us, and hooray for Mark for being the type of person that has kept me interested for 3 years, and staying interested in me for that long! I'm so happy that I can constantly feel loved, respected, and valued by someone that I feel the same about.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


So I'm in the middle of composing a nice big post about Cuba, which was amazing as amazing could be, but the post itself is scary and daunting in that I feel I have to cover SO MUCH for anyone to believe the awesomeness. In the meantime, a quick post so that people know I'm alive.

Good things since I've been home:

- I Guess I'm Floating posted the "white Label" version of Animal Collective's Purple Bottle. This version has an additional overlay of lyrics, which I guess couldn't be used on the album version since they're ripped from Stevie Wonder. It's pretty awesome, go check it out.

-Season finales of Lost and 24 were great.

-Temporary office-mate has wicked taste in music. We're going to swap libraries.

-I've gotten a lot done, and have been generally happy and laid back (residual from the "hey, it's Cuba' effect - more on that to come).

Not so good:

-Mark is gone (to Saskatoon for a month, not forever). But we've been talking lots, and it frees me up for studying/proxy-boyfriends.

And now I'm on an Animal Collective kick - it doesn't take much!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I'm too excited!

I totally feel like that kid from the Disney commercial, although I'm manifesting my excitement by acting like an airhead and walking into walls rather than having insomnia. Seriously though, I completely missed the door I was trying to walk through. Tonight I'm going to start packing (I've already made a list - wow!) and hope to work off some of this building emotion!

Has anyone heard of the Grizzly-Polar Bear Hybrid? I'm very sad that the way the world found out about it is because some guy shot it.

Megan's cat-blog has taken a defensive tone today, since apparently, blogs about cats are subjects for derision. However, I believe a quick glance will show that her blog, while mentioning cats far more frequently than mine, is far superior in literary quality.

Ok, time for me to go be excited and walk into more stuff!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

This guy here, he's awesome.

A day of double good news: Mark was offered acceptance to Teacher's College at Western, and into the Master's of Education at U of T!!! The U of T one is particulary awesome in that not only will he be a bonafied teacher upon completion, he'll also be a bonafied master. This could cause problems if both of us are masters - who will do the dishes and the laundry?!

Regardless, I'm super happy for him, and very excited that I won't have to leave Toronto to go to PB, and likely won't have to leave Toronto at all, woohoo!

My baby is awesome :)

Monday, May 08, 2006


I have to admit that I first checked out Jeniferever because, hey, what kind of awesome is that name? Then they turned out to be really, really good. They're melodic and dense, sucking me right into the sound so that I stop paying attention to where I'm going and just walk around enjoying myself. They've got a lot of emo in them, but the good kind that's complex and contemplative and expansive, rather than... you know. Anyway, I'm seriously <3'ing them right now.

Jeniferever - You Only Move Twice

Get the full-length here.

Countdown time!

6 More days till Cuba, 10 more hours till Mark is an Alumnus, and umm... 20 more minutes till lunch.

Ok, that last one is a lie - I'm eating lunch now, HAHA. I'm starting to get really excited, not to the point where I'm running around like mad, just to the point where the wheels in my head won't stop turning. I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking about stuff I need to do this week. Actually, the main thing I was thinking about is how I definitely need more memory for my camera - who lets something like THAT keep them up all night?

The weekend was pretty great - Sharon was really happy with the Swiss Chalet/Spa night and I was happy to spend some good times with her and Paula. Mark got me a rose for the makeout party, and we had makeouts. Yesterday, I finished "All that Matters," which was wonderful, and made some jalapeno poppers. Yummms all around.

(Vent - please ignore if petty stuff doesn't bug you: Why is everything at York so unnecessarily complicated? I lost $2 to th vending machine early last week. I was actually a little bit surprised that they put a sticker on the machine saying "for refunds, please call #______, or visit office X." Wow, seems far too easy for something at York. So I called the number, left a message, and never heard back from them. So I call them again today, and actually got to speak with someone, who told me that I have to go to the office. I asked her why nobody returned my call, and she said, "well, we get a lot of calls." So what's the point of giving a PHONE OPTION?? Why not say "just go here"? Or at least put a warning by the phone option: "this option is a fake option." Geez. I shouldn't let stuff like this bug me, but it's just annoying, y'know?)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Government isn't paying you to read this.

All the summer students are starting their work in the labs week. Awesome. The ones in my lab are awesome. Other labs = not so lucky. Without naming names, I will recount an epidoes of unbridled hilarity:

SO, for those of you who have not found yourself working in a lab as an undergraduate, you may be surprised to discover the amount of bitchwork being tossed your way. I found myself making graphs and running to the library to get old articles, generally for whichever post-doc needed the help. So the other day, our lab got a visit from Dr. Nic, who recounted the one of the funniest stories featuring work-related idiocy that I've ever heard. Apparently, one of our more beloved Ph.D. students (in another lab) was getting the new summer student to make him some graphs, since it's conference crunch time. This is the first day of work for said summer student. Upon making the graphs, she asks him if there's anythign else he needs her to do. He says 'nope, that's good for now,' to which she replies "OK - well I'm going to go talk to our supervisor and find out if she has anything to do for me tomorrow, because I don't think the government is paying me to do YOUR research." GUH?!?!

And apparently the next day, which would be day two for her, she told off the supervisor for not giving emailing her back quickly enough.

Man - I can't believe how ballsy this girl is, but then again, the government isn't paying me to think about stuff like that :)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Can you feel it in the air?

I have the urge to be outside, I have skin that is slightly less pale. I can walk around outside in a t-shirt (yes, I realize that I could do that in January as well, but that's really nothing to be happy about). Summer is almost here, just like Pas/Cal promises. I spent last weekend at home so that I could revist highschool goodtimes with high school goodfriends at Wonderland, on it's pre-opening day, and if that doesn't foretell the coming of summer, I don't know what does. I've even managed to shed a bit of my panic over life & thesis during the past few days. So listen yourself to some Pas/Cal, and feel the sunshine wash over you!

Also - less than 2 weeks till Cuba! Hurrah!

Pas/Cal - Summer is Almost Here

Support Pas/Cal by buying, or by seeing them at the Over the Top Festival!