Sunday, July 20, 2008

In less than a month, I'll be leaving Toronto and moving to St. Catharines. I've noticed myself entering that 'pre-nostalgic' phase where I start missing something before it is over... Toronto has been very, very good to me - especially my last 9 months in little Portugal, easily my favourite neighborhood that I've EVER lived in. It's hard to think that I'll be trading in my street, with its cute little shops, interesting people, organic farmers market for a city that is much smaller and will be lacking in so much that I've come to take for granted. That said, I'm so unbelievably excited (and nervous!).

Everything seems a LITTLE bit more real with every item crossed off of my to-do list. This weekend was CPR/First Aid, very very interesting - but it made me realize that I'm going to have to do something about my vivid imagination. Every cartoon picture, description, even thought of an injury made my stomach flip. I really should get over that as soon as possible. As we were learning how to do baby CPR, I noticed that the babies were of the brand "911 INFANTry" - amazing. I'm hoping that the heads of real babies don't pop off as easily as these babies' heads did (but just to be safe, I should probably avoid holding Maya and Wyatt until their necks fuse).

OK, time for the random pic dump:

Imminent backslap:

Mark is really good at frisbee, but only when I'm not watching. I think he worries too much about impressing me.

I can't even think of a caption. I just love this picture.

And this guy.

I mean, who wouldn't?

We have some serious love. Look at our serious faces!